
Why... Well, mostly for me. My husband and best friend was diagnosed with SinoNasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC) in June of 2011. The following is my journey. OH... The reason this is all "Private" and "Confidential" is because my husband is a very private man and he would NOT appreciate me discussing this online. This is why we are Mr. and Mrs X.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dos and Don'ts When Talking to Some One Like Me. *RANT WARNING*

OK,  I know that you are uncomfortable talking about Cancer with me. You may not know what to say. Here are some helpful tips: 

Don't Say; "I KNOW everything will be OK".  You don't know that, and it doesn't help me unless you have MD after your name or are a world renowned psychic. Don't say: "I know how you feel, my grandmother had cancer".  Well, I'm sorry that your grandmother had cancer... Did you sleep with her for 23 years? Was she your best friend? Did you guys role play bad boy and the boss lady?  No? Well then maybe you don't really know how I feel.

Now for some things that Do work.  First, if you are uncomfortable saying anything... don't, you really don't need to say anything at all. I don't need you to tell me how bad you feel...  that is kinda understood.  Of course you feel bad.. unless you are a dick. Good things to say are:  "You are in my prayers..."  Now, that does not even need to be true. say it anyhow..  it feels good to hear. That means that you really care. Prayers are very personal, and if you are willing to add me.... that means alot. 

Hugs.  Hugs are generally good, but BEWARE... Hugs can cause tears.  Make sure if you hug you are ready for the potential of tears.

Generally, just please keep in mind...  this is the biggest baddest thing that has ever happened to me. Unless you can really relate, please don't try to. The best thing you can do is just be there and listen... 

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